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GreenSignalStocks is a statistical forecasting program designed to help investors in making their investment decisions. It does not provide specific recommendations to buy or sell any particular stocks. It only provides an objective statistical evaluation of stock prices and movements. Past historical accuracy of stock price predictions is no guarantee for future success. Investment decisions made by the users of the website do so at their own and sole risk.
 BCON 1.14 +0.11 SRT 19.60 -6.15 BLDP 5.77 +0.45 FRD 9.25 -2.26 IOTN 9.54 +0.85 ORCL 12.62 +0.09 AMAT 16.06 +0.05 EBAY 37.38 +0.31 AAPL 40.70 -0.19 SIRI 5.40 -0.16 SANM 5.11 +0.05 JNPR 21.55 +0.02 BRCD 5.80 -0.08 QCOM 35.83 +0.28 JNPR 21.51 -0.02 SEBL 9.21 -0.25
 BCON 1.14 +0.11 SRT 19.60 -6.15 BLDP 5.77 +0.45 FRD 9.25 -2.26 IOTN 9.54 +0.85 ORCL 12.62 +0.09 AMAT 16.06 +0.05 EBAY 37.38 +0.31 AAPL 40.70 -0.19 SIRI 5.40 -0.16 SANM 5.11 +0.05 JNPR 21.55 +0.02 BRCD 5.80 -0.08 QCOM 35.83 +0.28 JNPR 21.51 -0.02 SEBL 9.21 -0.25